Terms & Conditions

1.1.   A minimumdeposit of £1000.00will be required to secure the purchaseof a vehicle. All deposits, part-payments or paymentsmade in full are Non-Refundable, or partially payabledepending on the situation.

1.2. The customermust pay the outstanding balance of vehicle within 3 days of the purchase dateunless otherwise agreed in writing. If the customer fails to do, GlobeAutomotive will be entitledto keep the paid deposit and offer the vehicle to someone else, all documents and spare key will be released when Globe Automotivehave received full amount agreed.

1.3.   Caution:mileage shown on used vehicles may differ from actual mileage and/or distancescovered and must be disregarded. All used cars coming with third parties’ history report which will show if vehiclewas written of nevertheless, we're not guaranteeif vehicle wasn't involved in accident.

1.4.  Globe Automotive will not be responsible to pay any cost of repair spentwithout the prior consultation and bringing into our knowledge.


2.1.   If costumeris dissatisfied with any aspects of the service provides and wish to make acomplaint, steps below must be followed. Customer must send claim letter to us via recorded post to Globe Automotive Unit5 Stambermill Works, Bagley Street, Stourbridge, DY9 7AR.The customer must provide in writing, a full comprehensive description of the problem,the customer’s and all vehicledetails (including mileage).

2.2.   GlobeAutomotive team memberwill investigate the complaint and contact customerwithin 14 days depending on the natureand urgency of the complaint.

2.3.  Once Globe Automotive and the customerhave discussed and arrangements have been made all complaints will be fullyresolved within 8 weeks after the complaint was received.

2.4.  Customer has to send proof of faultby sending photos,videos which will help in repairing the fault.

2.5. Customers can’t make a claim orcomplain about any fault or point thathas already been explained at the time of sale.


3.1.  If the customer findsa major problem with the vehiclewithin the first 15 days,we will be happy to fix or exchangeit, or give a refund ofthe vehicle price. Refunds are subject to the consumer, demonstratingthat the major fault existed on the car when it was purchased (as per Consumer Right Act 2015).

3.2.  Admin fee, warranty charges,delivery charges, collection charges,any damage to car charges(body dents), and £0.80/mile mileage depreciation will be deducted from vehicle refund.

3.3.  The customermust write a letter of rejection addressed to Globe Automotive and attachthe supporting evidenceof the serious fault (if faulty)obtained from third party reputable garage. All documents must be sent to GlobeAutomotive via recorded post.

3.4.  According to Consumer Right Act2015 quality of the vehiclemust be satisfactory taking in consideration vehicleage, mileages and price together with description andpublic statements.

3.5.  Scheduled maintenance items and wear & tear items requiredare not considered reasonsfor returning a vehicle. It is the customer’s responsibility to maintain caronce purchased.

a) Some examples of scheduled maintenanceitems. The following parts have a limited-service life and are specifiedfor replacement or adjustment, air cleanerelement, cabin are filter, diesel particulate filter,catalytic converter, fuel filter, gaskets,oil filter, oil and fluids, spark plugs, timing belts, consumablefluids, air conditioning gases…

Some examples of wear and tear items. Thefollowing parts never either a limited-service life or are subject to damage: accessory drive belts, light bulbs,remote control batteries, battery, gaskets, seals,tyres, brake pads, brake shoes,brake discs, brake linings, ball joints, wheelbearings, poly V-belts, plugs, fuses, bulbs, shock absorbers, clutchrelease bearings, clutch disc and any other friction components.

3.6.   A decision will be made by our management team to eitheraccept or declineyour request and details of the decisionwould be communicated to youin writing with 14 days of receipt of the claim.

3.7.  The customer's request to returnthe vehicle and receive a full refund will be declined if

(a)  Any mechanical breakdown or loss caused wholly or partially or strictly or indirectly by collision, fallingobjects that, attempted theft, fire, rust,fluid contamination, sludge build-up, foreign objects, burglary, explosion,mischief, vandalism criminal activity, flood, wind, water, lightening,earthquake, environmental releases or contaminants hail, smoke, weather and/oracts of God.

(b)  Anymechanical breakdown or loss caused wholly or partially or directly orindirectly by negligence, modification, alteration,tampering, disconnection, improper vehicletowing, normal wear and tear, improper or incorrectly performed maintenance, adjustments of repairs and/or installation of parts,components or equipment that are not equivalent in qualityand design t parts, components or equipmentsupplied by the manufacturer or specifications do not meet the manufacturerspecifications, occurring or made after the date of purchase.

(c)  Any mechanical breakdown or loss if vehicle'sodometer has been altered, disconnected, is inoperable, or the actualmileage cannot be documented3.8.  If a decision to accept the refund requestis reached, the customer will need to return the vehicle alongside all the vehicle's documents/items back to Globe Automotive. The customer is thenresponsible to return the vehicle to Globe Automotive. Any vehicle returningexpenses will be paid by the customer.

3.9.  Once the vehicle has beenreturned, Globe Automotive will investigate the provided evidence. If we find the vehiclefailed due to any other reason,the decision will be reconsidered.

3.10.  The agreedrefund amount would be paid into customer's designated account within 7 days of receipt of customer’s bank account subjectto normal banking regulations.  

4. Globe Automotive (LIMITED WARRANTY)

Most of ourvehicles come with a 90-Day/2,000-MileUsed Vehicle Limited Warranty of Third party warranty (please see differentterms & conditions). Vehicles sold without warranty "Sold as Seen" will be sold forspares or repair and will not be covered by any warranty or guarantee. Used vehiclewarranty begins on the day the vehicle is sold to the customer and terminates90 days from the purchase date or once customer has driven the vehicle 2,000 miles from the actual mileageon the date of sale.If a vehicle is sold with more than £100 discount, Used Vehicle Limited Warranty will beinvalid and customer will not have any right to claim for any vehicle failure.In the event of a malfunction, defect or failure of a covered part specifiedbelow, due to faulty workmanship or material supplied by the original vehiclemanufacturer or distributor, Globe Automotive, Globe Automotive will repair orreplace the covered part, subject to terms, conditions and limitations herein.

4.1.  Comprehensive list of parts covered underthis limited warranty:

(a)  Engine: Cylinder black, head(s), rotorhousing, rotor chamber, eccentric shaft, and bearings, pistons, piston ring,and pins, crankshaft and main bearings, pushrods, rocker arms, timingchain/timing belt and gears, valves,valve spring, seats and guides,lifters, followers, ail pump, fuel pump, fuel pressure regulator,sending unit, coolant temperature sensor, idle air control valve/idle speedmotor, throttle position sensor, exhaust manifolds, flywheel/flex plate, ringgear, harmonic balancer and bolts. Valve covers, timing cover, oil pan, vacuumpump, water pump, engine mounts, sealsand gaskets, turbocharger housingall internally lubricated parts, waste gate, seals and gaskets, turbocharger housing,all internally lubricatedparts, waste gate, seals and gaskets, thermostat.

(b)  Manual Transmission: Transmission case, all internallubricated parts in the transmission case including: gears,shafts, shift forks,shift rail, synchronizer, solenoids, bell housing, transmission mounts,seal and gaskets. Transmission case is only covered if damaged by an internallylubricated part

(c)  Automatic Transmission: Includes all parts of manual transmission plus bands, clutchpack, gears, vacuummodulator, pumps torque converter, and transmission pan.

4.2.  This Used Vehicle LimitedWarranty does not cover:

(a)  Any mechanical breakdown or loss caused whollyor partially or directly or indirectly by collision, fallingobjects, theft attemptedtheft, fire, rust, fluidcontamination, sludge build-up, foreign objects, burglary, explosion, mischief,vandalism criminal activity, flood, wind, water, lightening, earthquake,environmental releases or contaminants hail, smoke, weather and/or acts of God

(b)  Delays, lots of time, less of use, less of profit, lost income, storage,alternate transportation, interruption of business, travelexpenses, towing,inconvenience or any other incidental or consequential damages

(c)  Anymechanical breakdown or loss if the vehicle is used in a manner not recommended by the manufacturer or it issued equipped or used for commercial use, competitive driving,racing, off-road use, hire to the public, livery, delivers, rental or emergencyservices.

(d)  Any mechanical breakdown or loss caused wholly or partiallyor directly or indirectly by neglect,negligence, modification alteration, tampering, disconnection,improper vehicle towing, normal wear and tear, improper or incorrectly performed.

This agreement fully complieswith Consumer Right Act 2015 maintenance, adjustments or repairs and/or installation of parts, components or equipment that are not equivalent in qualityand design to parts, components or equipment suppliedby the manufacturer of that do not meet the manufacturerspecifications, occurring or made after the date ofpurchase.

(e)  To the fullest extentallowed by law, all impliedwarranties, including the impliedwarranties of merchantability and fitnessfor a particular purpose, are expresslydisclaimed after the expirationof ninety lays from the date of purchase or oncethe vehicle has been driven 2,000 actual miles from the actualmileage on the date of delivery, whichever comes first.

(f)  The repairor replacement of a coveredpart which is covered by anymanufacturer’s warranty, or for any other reason.manufacturer, importer ofdistributor of the vehicle will repair or replace the part at its expense of itreduced cost.

(g) Any mechanical breakdownor loss if vehicle's odometerhas been altered, discovered, is miserable. cannot be documented. or the actual mileage

(h) Any mechanical breakdown or lossarouse from the malfunction of a part not coveredby the Limited Warranty 40 Any other parts which are not coveredby this warrantyor any mechanical breakdown or loss if Customer will fall to follow claiming procedure

4.3.  Claimingprocedure

(a)  If repairsare required, the Customer must send a claim letter to us via recorded post toGlobe Automotive. The letter must include both the customer's and vehicle's detailsincluding mileage), a comprehensive description of the problem/issue and date. Globe Automotive team member will contact the customer within 7 working days to arrange an inspection. The customers must thenreturn the vehicle to Globe Automotive on the arrangeddate/time at the customer's own expense:

(b)  GlobeAutomotive will be happy to fix or replace any broken parts which are covered by these Terms and Conditions, if the brokenparts are not covered the customer is liable forany costs that Globe Automotive accrues for investigation and/or rectificationof problems.

(c)  All repairs will be made by Globe Automotive approved garage.

4.4 Some examplesof parts not covered by this Limited Warranty include but are not limited tothe following Glass, paint, tyres, passive restraint system, brake pads, brakerot on, brake drums, springs, radiators, battery, trim,mouldings exhaust systern,light bulbs, manual clutch,airbag systems, fuel lines, fuel injectors, glow plugs shock absorbers,steering system damper and hoses,air conditioning system, all securing hardware, interior parts.